

For those of you who have been waiting to see my baby, here he is. Jake is a Bearded Dragon and I have had him for about a year. He is actually suppose to be double the size he is, but right now he is about a foot long. I love my baby and he has got such a character. My roomate has said that, he has even got some human type qualities. I will tell you this, he is anything, but what animial books have said him to be. Jake is a very active animal. One of my favorite things to do, is let him loose on the floor in our apartment. He runs from corner to corner, tracking his territory before crawling up the bicycle spikes and resting on the tire of my bike.
Jake pretty much goes everywhere with me, so he has covered a lot of the LA area while sitting on my shoulder. The second picture above was a walk we took to the park. When we got to the park, and I took him off my shoulder so he could rest in the grass. I'm not sure he new what to do with himself, He didn't move for 5 minutes. But, once he saw the flies that were flying past us, He snapped out of it and started to hunt. ;-)
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