So Where Has RIKKI BEEN?
Many of you are probably wondering if I fell off the face of this Earth. Well....Good News, I haven't! I have had a lot happen though.
At the beginning of May took a week long trip to Seattle. Why? You ask. Well, let me tell you. In the heart of Seattle lays a wonderful college called Seattle Pacific University. And it was there that the founder of InnerCHANGE, John Hayes, was asked to speak and meet with students about the work we do through InnerCHANGE. John asked me in January if I would like to come with him and Tim, John's right hand man. They wanted somebody young and hip to be there. So I stepped up to the plate and kept it real for them. ;-)
For real though, it was a good week and I got meet many students who really have a heart for God. And who really have a desire to make a difference in this World. I think my favorite part of the week was sitting with the students, hearing about what God was doing in their lives, and helping them discern how God was leading them in the future....whether it was with InnerCHANGE or not.....
While I was in Seattle, I got to visit one of my closest friends from College and her husband. It was really good to see them. I often only get to see her when, she comes down to visit family in the LA area. So we rested and talked and she showed me all of Big Foot Country! Another Highlight while I was in Seattle was I got to visit a friend LA. Funny...I know. But she was home for the summer (Seattle), so we took it upon ourselves to get together on her turf! She took me to her favorite restaurant and I think it was the best seafood...I have had in a long time! Thank you Shauna!
I wasn't home more than a day before I was on to the next trip. But, the best part was visiting my friend Karina and helping her children with some homework that Saturday before I left. I often miss my neighbors and friends when I leave on a trip, so I always enjoy the little moments I can get with them.
The next week after that..I was in Anaheim for NSO, New Staff Orientation. Now that I am transitioning from part-time to full-time with InnerCHANGE, I was asked to take a week long class. While I was there I really got to understand more of how CRM fits into InnerCHANGE and see the vital role they play in ensuring InnerCHANGE is functioning well. I really enjoyed meeting the staff that work in the office. All their work allows me the time to focus on serving in LA. While I was in Anaheim, I stayed with Shelli Smith and her husband in Newport Beach (see pic below). Traveling from LA to Anaheim everyday can really be time consuming, so Shelli and her husband were kind enough to open their home and hospitality to me. It was a big blessing and I was very grateful. Their Niece, Tara, was staying with them for a little bit. And I really enjoyed talking with her.
One of the last things of note that has happened is this: As of Yesterday, May 30, 2005 and 3 wonderful years together....I said goodbye to my car. It was a wonderful car, but as my lease was coming to a close, I had a choice. I could either have bought it, or given it back. And after much thought decided that it would be good if I gave it back and didn't have to owe money every month for a car, pay lots of money on gas, and worry about LA drivers on the road with me. So, I sent my baby back and bought a Bus Pass!!!! Many tell me...that I will want a car in a month, however, I am enjoying myself. Its not very often you can read on your way home from and to work..... ;-)
Love you guys! Enjoy the PICS!

Seattle....a thing of beauty

Rikki and Angela

Mike and Angela...and their wonderful dog Cleo

Newport Beach

My Silver Baby and Me.....I will miss that Car of mine.....