My Birthday Celebration on Saturday
My actual Birthday was the third day I celebrated my Birthday. I think this will be the most memorable Birthday of my life! In the morning, while still in my pajamas, Karina and the kids surprised me with a Birthday Balloon, cards, and a gift. It was really sweet. We talked had a lot of fun talking while the kids drew me pictures.
In the afternoon, some girlfriends of my from church and my neighborhood, and I all got together and celebrated by Birthday too. We ate at a place called "Ocha". It is a Thai food restaurant. At the end of our meal, they surprised me with some cake and sung to me. It was really special! The food was really good, however, at the end of our meal, we watched a Cockroach walk down the wall next to our table. We were completely grossed out. We quickly killed it. Upon showing the remenants of the roach to the waitress, her explanation for the problem was this: "When we mopp, Cockroaches walk...." I think all of our mouths hung open for a moment as we took that in....
In the evening, I went to Danny's, my boyfriend, house to celebrate with him my birthday. When I got there his sister, Jen, gave me a present. She knew, I loved fruit, so she bought me Mexican Fruit salad, with Chili and lime on it. It was so good! And it was so sweet of her to think of me. Danny and I went out for a walk around his area before going to the restaurant. The weather was so nice out. The restaurant we at was called "Claim Jumpers". I had Chicken with a mushroom sauce on it. I think it was one of the best meals, I had had in a while! When we got back, his mom brought me into the kitchen where she had a cake with candles for me to blow out. She even gave me a card. Danny and her sang Happy Birthday to me.
To end the night, Danny and I watched Le Miserables. It was a perfect end to a perfect 3 days of celebration!
Thank you everyone for making my Birthday, so special!!

Miriam, Jessica, Me, Lisa, and Becky celebrating at "Ocha" (Thai Food)

My Boyfriend and I celebrating at "Claim Jumpers"

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