Please Welcome Lance Mark Alisurez....

Lance Mark Albisurez...Isn't he precious!

MOMMY with Baby

Auntie Rikki with the Adorable little Lance...yeah he looks great--can't say much about about me.....;-)

On March 1, 2005 in the wee hours of the morn, Lance Mark was born via C-section. He came out weighing 6 pounds, tiny. But, such a quick learner. One of the nights Mel, Kristin, Jude (Oma), and I came out to see him....and Roxy. And as we passed him around to each person, He intensely studied each one of us, watching every move we made. I am telling you...this one is going places!
Isn't he the most adorable baby one has ever seen!!! Okay..maybe I am bias, but can you blame me. ;-) After all, he does happen to have two of the greatest parents I could ever know and they just happen to be my closest friends!
Congratulation Chris and Roxy!!!!!!!!
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