Friday, June 24, 2005

Yosemite, Conference, and BEFORE

These last couple of weeks have been busy.

The InnerCHANGE conference was held June 15-19, 2005. The focus was on the prophetic Current. For those of you who don't know, InnerCHANGE is made up of 3 Currents that we attempt to live out equally: The Missional Current, the Contemplative Current and the Prophetic Current. The Prophetic current asks the question: How are we fighting for justice? Where are we standing in the gap for the oppressed...being a voice in the midst of darkness or betrayal? This conference challenged us to think of what it means to be prophetic in our communities and it really means to live our lives prophetically. Another highlight was meeting others from teams overseas and catching up with those I already knew.

Our Team decided to take a retreat the two days before conference in Yosemite. Since the conference was less than an hour away from Yosemite, it seemed like the perfect time to go. I never knew how beautiful Yosemite is. Our rented a place in the Park and spent the days laughing, exploring, and enjoying one another's company. On Tuesday, we climbed up along Vernon Falls. I tell you...if every trail had huge amount of water spraying on you all the way up...I think I would hike more. ;-) It was so refreshing...

The week before I left for conference, I helped host a baby shower, went to a wedding shower, took my friend shopping for baby stuff with the money she got from the baby shower, and saw some of my family that was out, on business, in LA. ..okay take a breath.

Do I tell you all this because I am proud to say I did some much in so little time.....I think not. In fact, I probably would have enjoyed spreading out all those things over the coarse of 2-3 weeks. I tell you this, because though so many things have happened....each one touched me in some way. Through the baby shower, I learned that when I am not in control of every detail, the party can still end up being a hit and more often than not - better than if I did it myself. Through both showers, I enjoyed fellowship and opportunities of being with people that I do not see every day. Through my IKEA shopping experience with Karina, I was able to share my Swedish experiences and memories (IKEA is a Swedish Store). Not to mention, it was Karina's first time there...she had quite the time there as well. We sat on the furniture and were tempted by all the deals.

And I think what touched me most was seeing my family and sharing with them the people I care for neighbors. My cousin, Jamie and her friend, Melissa, are opening a high end women's clothing store in Steven's Point (Near where I grew up). It is called the Pink Boutique. They were in LA to buy clothes for the store. When they came to pick me up, they were able to meet various people in my community. They met my friend Karina and her kids and they met Karmela and her daughter Cynthia. They even had the opportunity of meeting Jorge, a single father in our community who wants to start a youth center for kids. For me, seeing these two worlds converge, is always something beautiful to me. When you care about someone you want to share your life with them. My family and my friend's in Westlake are both deeply rooted in my life...I care about both very much. And that day...each were able to share in the other.


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