My last Couple of Weeks

Me Mixing the Paint....Sporting in my best outfit ;-)

My roomate painting it up

Us and our almost Finished Product...

My newest challenge to remodel....;-)

The Rodriquez Wedding

Danny and I at the Wedding

These last couple of weeks have been very interesting. I have spent some time getting to know my roommate, I have developed a new love for CSI:NY, visited some friends in my building, had some of the girls come and visit me, painted my apartment, have been reading many inspiring books and have spent a lot of time in thoughts about life and what it truly means to love others.
My roommate and I were sitting in our apartment a couple of weeks ago and realized just how ugly the walls were! So, we decided to brighten things up a bit. We painted the walls a pale yellow color and then the trim a little darker yellow. It ended up being a week process, but we can finally say that it is done!! And we feel so much happier in it. And for those who are in shock because you can't believe we painted the apartment....relax. It is actually allowed in my building, the owner doesn't mind.
I only watch TV once a week, mainly because we have to carry a TV down the hall to see anything, but...truly...watching TV is not my favorite pass time. I do, however, like criminal cases, so I have fallen in love with CSI, all 3 shows. But since, Wednesday Nights are really the only nights I have free, I only watch CSI:NY. It is really interesting.
The second week in October, one of Danny's friends got married. We went to celebrate the occasion in the San Gabriel area. The wedding was beautiful and the food was amazing. They had the wedding and reception outside in an old mission with beautiful architecture. The entire day was breathtaking.
At many different points in the day or week, we have youth that come to visit us. Our door is always open, and they can come to visit whenever they like. Sometimes, they come and merely play on my computer (not the internet), paint, or draw. And other times we bake, watch movies, or play games. We try to keep it low key, so that it is more not chalant. The kids feel more comfortable and it allows us to mentor the kids in a lot more personal-one on one way. And sometimes the kids just want a safe space to be when there is so many crazy things going on. There is one girl that loves to just come and be in the room. She thinks its so neat that I let her hang out even if I have something else going on. She just draws or types letters, sometimes to me, on my computer. I find it amazing how just being there can, sometimes, have more impact that doing some great event. It is the little day to day stuff that you do with them or let them do in your home that often means the most!
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